( latitude . longitude . elevation . precipitation . temperature .
heating degree days . solar radiation . sun angle . wind speed )


Click below to view weather data for 168 selected cities and towns in the United States and Puerto Rico.

The listing is in alphabetical order by state and city. Abbreviations and units used, as well as sources of further information, are at the bottom of this page.

ALABAMA: Birmingham . Huntsville . Mobile
ALASKA: Anchorage . Barrow . Bethel . Fairbanks . Kodiak . Nome . Yakutat
ARIZONA: Flagstaff . Phoenix . Tucson
ARKANSAS: Fort Smith . Little Rock

CALIFORNIA: Arcata . Bakersfield . Los Angeles . Sacramento . San Diego . San Francisco . Santa Maria
COLORADO: Alamosa . Colorado Springs . Denver . Grand Junction

DELAWARE: Wilmington

FLORIDA: Daytona Beach . Jacksonville . Miami . Tallahassee . Tampa

GEORGIA: Atlanta . Augusta . Columbus . Savannah

HAWAII: Hilo . Honolulu

IDAHO: Boise . Pocatello
ILLINOIS: Chicago . Moline . Rockford . Springfield
INDIANA: Evansville . Indianapolis . South Bend
IOWA: Des Moines . Sioux City . Waterloo

KANSAS: Goodland . Topeka . Wichita
KENTUCKY: Lexington . Louisville

LOUISIANA: Lake Charles . New Orleans . Shreveport

MAINE: Caribou . Portland
MARYLAND: Baltimore
MASSACHUSETTS: Boston . Worchester
MICHIGAN: Alpena . Detroit . Grand Rapids . Houghton . Sault Ste. Marie
MINNESOTA: Duluth . International Falls . Minneapolis . Rochester
MISSISSIPPI: Jackson . Meridian
MISSOURI: Kansas City . Springfield . St. Louis
MONTANA: Billings . Glasgow . Great Falls . Helena . Kalispell . Missoula

NEBRASKA: Grand Island . North Platte . Omaha . Scottsbluff
NEVADA: Elko . Las Vegas . Reno
NEW JERSEY: Atlantic City . Newark
NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque . Tucumcari
NEW YORK: Albany . Binghamton . Buffalo . Massena . New York City
NORTH CAROLINA: Asheville . Cape Hatteras . Charlotte . Raleigh . Wilmington
NORTH DAKOTA: Bismarck . Fargo . Minot

OHIO: Cleveland . Columbus . Dayton . Toledo
OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City . Tulsa
OREGON: Astoria . Burns . Eugene . Medford . Pendleton . Portland

PENNSYLVANIA: Erie . Harrisburg . Philadelphia . Pittsburgh .

RHODE ISLAND: Providence

SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston . Columbia . Greenville
SOUTH DAKOTA: Huron . Rapid City . Sioux Falls

TENNESSEE: Chattanooga . Knoxville . Memphis . Nashville
TEXAS: Amarillo . Austin . Brownsville . El Paso . Fort Worth . Houston . Midland . San Antonio

UTAH: Cedar City . Salt Lake City

VERMONT: Burlington
VIRGINIA: Lynchburg . Norfolk . Richmond . Roanoke . Sterling

WASHINGTON: Olympia . Seattle . Spokane . Yakima
WEST VIRGINIA: Charleston . Elkins
WISCONSIN: Green Bay . LaCrosse . Madison . Milwaukee
WYOMING: Casper . Cheyenne . Lander . Sheridan


Units and abbreviations used

annual heating degree days = the total number of heating degree days for the year (see "heating degree day" below)
BTU/ft2 = British Thermal Units per square foot
= degrees
Degrees F = degrees Fahrenheit (to convert to degrees Celsius, multiply by 5/9 and subtract 32)
heating degree day (base 65 deg. F.) = the number of degrees that the average temperature for the day is below 65 deg. F. (For example: on January 11, 2001 the average temperature in New York City was 38 deg. F.; thus heating degree days = 27 (65 - 38 = 27).
= kilowatt hours per square meter
miles/hour: To convert miles/hour into meters/second, multiply by .447.


For further information:

http://aa.usno.navy.mil/AA/data </A> (sun angles)
http://solstice.crest.org/renewables/solrad/data (temperature, solar radiation, sun angles, wind speed)
http://www.nws.noaa.gov (temperature, precipitation)


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